At Aaby's Intentions, I will work with integrity and intention for a massage intended just for you. As a massage therapist I work in a diverse and nurturing community, practicing integrity, honesty and dignity.
Book a massage by calling - 503-313-0762
Massage Therapist Do's and Don'ts
Be on time. About 5-10 minutes before your scheduled appointment is ideal. You want to be sure to get your fully-allotted time as well as make time for any paperwork you need to fill out.
Shower before your session. Either before you leave the house or at the massage place (if they have it). It's common courtesy, and it makes the experience better for everyone.
Wait until your practitioner has left the room before you begin undressing. No, we haven't "seen it all," and we don't want to!
Tell your practitioner about any major surgeries or injuries you've had. Yes, in your entire life. That thing you're thinking, "They need to know about that?" We do. It has bearing on how we will choose your course of treatment. (My very first massage client ever failed to tell me that he had been in a car accident the night before!)
Speak up if something isn't right. Many folks like to relax and "tune out" during their massage, but if something is not to your liking please let your practitioner know. They won't take it personally and you'll get a better experience. Your massage shouldn't be something you have to endure; it should be something you enjoy!
Leave on time. I know, I know. You're very relaxed. The massage was wonderful. Your practitioner was charming and kind and you want to tell them more about your trip to Jamaica. But there is work to be done after the session and he or she needs to get to it.
Tell your friends. Most massage practitioners are trying to grow their practices. If you like what they do, tell your friends. It's the highest compliment you can give your practitioner, and the good karma will surely come back to you.
Come in if you're sick or have a contagious condition.
There are three main reasons for this:
We don't want to catch what you have.
We don't want our other clients to catch what you have.
Massage can greatly worsen the symptoms of a virus or cold.
Apologize if you haven't shaved your legs. This one's for you, ladies. We massage guys with very hairy legs, we're used to it. Really.
Fret about the state of your pedicure. Again, ladies, this one's for you. (Stop apologizing so much!) We're more concerned with whether your feet are clean than whether your toes are polished.
Come in if you've had alcohol or drugs in the past 24 hours. Narcotics are obviously not something you want coursing through your system when you're receiving massage, and it is both unethical and dangerous to massage someone under the influence of alcohol. In fact, it's best to avoid alcohol entirely for 24 hours before your massage. If you've had a fair amount to drink, massage can actually get you re-drunk (I've seen it happen).
Massage is a wonderful way to relax, de-stress, and improves your health. Remember these dos and don'ts and you're sure to have a consistently great experience.
Client Bill of Rights
As a client of Aaby's Massage Intentions you have certain rights:
You have the right to a clean and calm atmosphere for your massage.
You have the right to know how much you are paying for your service prior to receiving service.
You have a right to know what products are being used.
You have the right to be notified of any additional charges that may occur.
You have the right to stop the massage at any time for any reason.
You have the right to receive your service on time.
You have the right to expect a clean and hygienic therapist at all times.
You have the right to decline a massage due to therapist illness or cold.
Thank you for showing an interest in Abbys Massage Intentions. Candie Aaby - LMT# 19982, After 25 years in the same house I have turned my oasis in to a landscaped property unique and welcoming. The garden and home rests behind a large deep, well-groomed hedge that separates visitors from the bustling world outside. This gives the garden the effect of an oasis of rejuvenation within an exhausting desert. The backyard is home to a prodigious koi pond. Water cascades down several stone steps to form a fountain that swiftly pours into the pond. It creates a soothing and revitalizing sound to wash away all anxiety before the massage even begins. By surrounding my clients with the pure life that rests in nature, my practice is seen as distinctive. A Massage INTENDED JUST FOR YOU.
Phone: 971-254-4640
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